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Date: 15/09/2024    CCA League Fixtures

Thank you to everyone for getting their league entries in so promptly and for giving us an early indication of your club intentions. It has been much easier for us to plan the league and discuss potential problems with clubs early by having a rough idea what clubs were thinking of doing in July. The fixtures are now on LMS.

The league continues to grow. We have 4 full divisions with 3 more teams than last season. Middlesbrough have had some bad luck with several key players leaving the area over the Summer and are dropping to 2 teams this year. They are stepping up their marketing and online presence, so will hopefully be back up to 3 teams again next season. Hartlepool and Redcar have really grown over the last 12 months and are both entering an extra team. Thornaby are entering an extra 2 teams.

The knockout events have attracted a lot of interest with 23 teams in total across the 3 events, compared to 8 across 2 events last season. Due to a slightly shorter A division schedule, the Tom Wise Cup will be scheduled at the end of the season. The other 2 competitions will take place across the season. The draw for the Tom Wise Cup is up. I'm just waiting for confirmation from 1 club before the other 2 competitions are drawn.

We agreed with Billingham club that they could move a team from the B division to the A division. The way last season worked out, they ended up with 3 teams in the B division and that would inevitably cause squad issues. As a result, the A division will run with 9 teams with a 4/5 split after each team has played once (similar to last season). The other 3 divisions all have 7 teams, so will be a straightforward home and away season of 14 weeks.

With the A division having 9 teams, promotion and relegation for this season will be:
A/B division : 2 down 1 up
B/C division : 2 down 2 up
C/D division : 2 down, 2 up
We would remind clubs that there is still flexibility for the exec here as we have demonstrated with Billingham and no club will be forced into a position that makes it difficult for them to run the number of teams they want to next season.

A proposal that was passed at the AGM stopped players playing more than 5 games for a second team. Following the AGM and after working out their squad lists, 4 separate clubs have contacted us to say that this change would mean they have to enter less teams. It was pointed out that the effect of this rule is to slowly reduce the number of reserves teams have available as the season goes on, forcing clubs to be cautious. We decided that a total of 5 less teams (meaning 1 less division) was not in the interest of the league, so this rule will not stand. We think increasing the number of nominations to 3 for all teams in the A and B division achieves some of the same intention (which was to give each team within a club a more unique identity) without leaving teams potentially short of reserve players in the 2nd half of the season. This can be discussed again at the next AGM as we do not believe the full effects of this change were understood at the time.

All 4 divisions unfortunately have an odd number of teams, which means there will be 2 bye weeks for each team. The committee have decided that up to 13th October, we will allow clubs to put an extra team in should they get an unexpected influx of new members between now and then. If a space in a division is not be filled by this date, after all teams have played once, there will be another opportunity for an extra team to join in and play the second half of the season. These extra places will be on a first come first served basis. A team entering only the second half of the season will be counted as a “guest team” and not part of the end of season promotion and relegation.

I look forward to seeing you all in the upcoming months, it should be another great season!

Chris Swales
League Organiser

Date: 19/08/2024    CCA CLUB ENTRY FORM 2024/25

This form has been circulated to all clubs:

(Closing Date Sunday 15th September)
1) Are you entering all and happy with the divisions of your existing teams (shown below)?

2) How many new teams would you like to enter in the:
C Division
D Division

3) How many teams would you like to enter in each of the knockout events (5 player teams):
Tom Wise Cup (Open)
Jeremy Burnett Plate (Under 1700 rating)
D Division Cup (Under 1500 rating)

Chris Swales
League Organiser

Date: 19/08/2024    CCA LEAGUE FORMAT 2024-25

-4 divisions with as close to 8 teams in each as entries allow. Exec to make any necessary adjustments after all club’s entries are received in consultation with any affected clubs.
-All divisions will have 4 player teams. (Knockout cup events will be 5 players per team)

-Deadline for entries is Sunday September 15th.
-Clubs should check they are happy with existing team starting divisions (below) and can enter any new teams directly into either the C division or the D division.

Nomination Rules
-All A division teams nominate 3 players who can’t play in the B or C division.
-All B division teams nominate 3 players who can’t play in the C division.
-No nominations needed in the C division.
-D division has a rating cap of 1500.
-Clubs with more than 1 team in a division can spread their nominations however they see fit. Eg a club with 2 teams in a division could go 6-0, 5-1, 4-2 or 3-3.
-To ensure games remain competitive at the top level, a special rule is needed in the A division. A-teams nominate 3 players who can’t play for the B team. Individual players for B teams in the A division can also play for the club’s A-team if required.
-In all other divisions, individual players can only play for one team in a division.

Promotion and Relegation
-At the end of the season, the top 2 teams in each division will be promoted (except A division) and the bottom 2 in each division (except D division) will be relegated.
-If a higher division has 7 or less teams for any reason, only 1 team would be relegated.
-Clubs can request for teams not to be relegated or promoted, but they must accept it if a division becomes too small or too big as a result.
-No team can be relegated from the C division if a club would not have enough under 1500 rated players to run the team in the D division.

Existing Team Starting Divisions
A Division
Great Ayton A
Thornaby Aces
Darlington A
Middlesbrough Rooks
Hartlepool A
Darlington B
Great Ayton B
Thornaby Bombers

B Division
Billingham A
Middlesbrough Knights
Billingham B
Hartlepool B
Thornaby Challengers
Billingham C
Great Ayton C
Darlington C

C Division
Middlesbrough Bishops
Thornaby Cadets
Thornaby Comets
Billingham E
Thornaby Dynasties

D Division
Billingham D
Thornaby Destroyers
Darlington D
Hartlepool C
Redcar B
Thornaby Juniors

Chris Swales
League Organiser